Grades Taught
Grades 7-12
Pigeon Lake Regional School currently serves 275 students in Grades 7-12. Most of the school's students are drawn from a vast attendance area that includes the hamlet of Falun, the lake communities around Pigeon Lake, and the four bands of Maskwacis. The school receives grade 7 students from the Falun, Lakedell, Mimiw Sakahikan and Pipestone Schools.
In spite of its small size, the school offers a full range of academic courses to enable students to complete Alberta Education Diploma, Knowledge and Employability Certificate programs and High School Completion Certificate programs. In addition, we offer a wide range of option programs including art, drama, foods, fashions, construction, computers, photography, design studies, cosmetology, spring, and fall sports.
Our school also offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities including basketball teams, volleyball teams, cross country running, track and field, golf, badminton, drama productions, student leadership opportunities, and a school reach team. As such we also offer programming that is focused on making sure that all students are successful and graduate high school.
Mr. Jon Meyers
Mr. Kyle Dorchester
Principal: Mr. Jon Meyers
Vice Principal: Mr. Adam Stewart
At PLRS, we are committed to all students graduating:
- With an understanding of the importance of personal and interpersonal wellness
- With academic skills and personal attributes
- Prepared for post-secondary (post highschool) success
- As responsible citizens
- As lifelong learners
- With confidence (and respect)
- Inspired
At PLRS, our policies, programs, and practices promote our mission statement. We envision a school where:
- Diversity is respected and celebrated in a safe, caring, and inclusive environment
- Students develop the characteristics of an active and responsible citizen
- Students receive timely and effective interventions from staff
- Students are at school every day with the desire to learn
- All students and staff have a passion for learning
- All staff are dedicated to our Mission Statement
- staff and students utilize individual skills to contribute to our school community through wellness, school spirit, extracurricular activities, and school pride
- positive community involvement
In order to achieve the shared vision of our school, we commit to a model where…
- We define “academic” as an acquisition of all skills, attributes, knowledge, attitudes, cross curricular competencies, and curriculum that encompasses every course that our students take
- Staff uses effective, data driven instructional methods supported by common assessments within the classroom to improve student learning
- Staff strives to establish candid, collaborative, and ongoing lines of communication with colleagues and other professionals
- Staff analyzes and evaluates school policies and procedures ensuring our actions are in line with our Mission Statement
- Staff learns from each other and supports each other in order to improve the learning environment for all
- Staff models the attitude and behaviour of a lifelong learner and an active citizen
- Staff takes the time to celebrate strengths and successes
- Staff wellness is a priority with in our school
- Staff encourage students to participate in school activities to promote school spirit
Education Plan
Pigeon Lake’s school goals will continue to be in aligned with the WRPS Board priorities:
- Champion student and staff well-being.
- Strengthen relationships with Indigenous communities and advance the TRC Calls to Action.
- Assess and address the disruptions and barriers to student learning.
- Support early childhood learning in partnership with families.
- Explore and develop innovative programming opportunities.
- Engage with parents and school communities.
Supply Lists
Pigeon Lake Regional School Supply List Grades 7 – 12
1 - pkg. of lined loose-leaf paper
1 – pkg. plain paper
1 - pkg. graphing paper
4 - 2 Inch Binders
4 - Sets of dividers
10 - Duo-tangs
20 – Pencils
1 - Set Pencil Crayons
4 - Erasers (white preferred)
1 - Scissors
2 - Correction tape (white out)
2 - Glue sticks
1 - pkg. pens (blue, red or black)
1 - Mechanical Pencil (preferred for graphing)
1 - pkg. highlighters (assorted colors)
1 - pkg. post-it notes (assorted colors)
1 - pkg. post-it flags (assorted colors)
1 - pkg. paper reinforcements
1 – Ruler
1 - Geometry Set
1 - Set of headphones
1 - Dictionary
All Students 7-12 will need a set of gym clothes (sweats/shorts, shirt, running shoes)
1 - Scientific Calculator (Junior High: Sharp EL-520X, Sharp EL-531XG or Similar)
Each grade 10 to 12 students will need the following items:
Math 10-3, 20-3, 30-3 - regular calculator scientific calculator
Math 10C, 20-2, 30-2, 20-1 and 30-1 one of the following is required (T1-nspire CX Handheld, T1-83 Plus, T1-84 Plus, T1-84 Plus Silver, T1-84 Plus Pocket SE or T1-84 Plus C Silver
Math (10C, 20-1, 30-1)
Sr. High Art – 5 pencil drawing set (2b, 4b, 6b, 8b and hb), 2 ultra-fine tip black sharpies, 1 fine tip black sharpie, small pencil case, and 1 black coiled sketchbook (Dollar store)