Canyon Ski Trip
Posted on February 11 2025Be sure to sign up for our annual ski trip to Canyon!
PLRS and BMC will be participating in Hockey Hooky for Ben at the Falun Outdoor Community Rink on February 26, 2025.Jr. High Game - 10:30 AMSr. High Game - 12:30 PMPlease scan the QR code (donate on the…
WRPS is now accepting new registrations for the 2025-26 school year. Please visit the Registration Information Page for more details.
WRPS will be offering a certified First Aid course for students on March 27 and 28 with a maximum of 12 students. 5 spots will be held for the Class 2 S-Endorsement students and the remaining 7 spots…
We are excited to share the dates for the first WRPS Class 2 with S Endorsement Course (3 classroom days) for our 18 year old WRPS students!! The course will be held on March 24-26 at a location to…
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...We look forward to seeing everyone in the Christmas spirit this week!
WRPS is pleased to be offering January Diploma Preparation Courses. Please note that the registration deadline has been extended to December 16, 2024 for the January Diploma Preparation Courses for…
Please check out our December Newsletter to see what's happening at PLRS this month!
Congratulations to PL Jr. A Girls Volleyball for bringing home GOLD!!! Way to go, ladies!! ✨ Thank you to our amazing coach, Ms. Mantie, as well!
A huge thank you to Jennifer Stoby, our Green Certificate Regional Coordinator, for coming out to share information about this program with our students. If you would like more information, please go…
Please see this document for information regarding reporting student progress.
We hope to see you at our Halloween Dance! Tickets are on sale now in the office!
Please take a moment to peruse our Initial Newsletter.
Pigeon Lake Regional School will be closed on Monday, September 30 in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
Wear your Orange Shirt and join us for presentations in periods 3 and 4.
Students and staff will be participating in the Terry Fox Run September 27. Let's exceed our goal!
Are you a rural Alberta high school student (Grades 9 to 12) interested in working in a healthcare career after high school? Would you like to explore the various options and opportunities?Could a career…
Families, please note this information as we prepare to welcome students back to school!
PLRS staff are excited to see students back in our building on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Classes start at 8:40.
Congratulations to all of this year's PLRS graduates who have achieved extraordinary achievements! This is a great day to celebrate your accomplishments.
WRPS is pleased to be offering Diploma Preparation Courses to students currently enrolled in Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2 and English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2. Register by Wednesday, June 5, 2024. For…
June's Exam Schedule
WRPS is pleased to announce that we are bringing the Fine Arts Fusion Day Camp to all our Grade 7s and 8s across the division. This camp will allow students to be exposed to a variety of activities in…
With recent changes in weather, we would like to remind everyone of WRPS' process to cancel buses and close schools during inclement weather and other emergencies if/when necessary. Please refer to: …
Prior to the day, all students of the school will need to be split into the followingfour approximately even groups: Eagle - RedBuffalo - WhiteBear - YellowWolf - Black Because you know your students…
Are you interested in healthy eating? Do you want your voice heard?The Nutrition Youth Advisory Panel is part of the Child & Youth Target Population Working Group within Alberta Health Services. Applications…
PLRS will be hosting a meeting for all new incoming grade 7s/parents and students/parents transitioning from grade 9 to grade 10 on May 14th in the library Grade 7 meeting @ 5:00 pm Grade 10 meeting…
If students are interested in Summer School, there will be a meeting on April 25 at PLRS during block 1.
Seventeen post-secondary schools will be visiting PLRS on Wednesday, April 17th, from 1:30-3:00 pm. All high school students will be participating.
In celebration of Education Week and Bus Driver Appreciation Day, PLRS will host a pancake breakfast on May 8. All bus drivers for PLRS will be invited to attend. Thank you for driving our students safely…
Our next meeting will be on April 22 @ 6:00 pm online! LINK: For more information on school councils, please go to Alberta Education's website: Parent Council Order Agendas…
April 1 - April Fools Day April 17 - Superhero Day April 22 - Earth Day-Hippie Day April 26 - PLC Day Ongoing - “How well do you know the staff” Contest Ongoing - guess the ring pops in the jar
Huge, thank you to West of the 5th Community and volunteers for all of your donations and hard work!
Friday, March 15 - School Dance (6-10 pm) Tickets in the office Monday, March 18 - Wear Green Day Tuesday, March 19 - Wear Neon Day Wednesday, March 20 - Twin Day Thursday, March 21 - Just Rolled Out…
March 15th from 6-10 pm Grades 7-12
Invest in the future with our Co-op School Equity Program!
Our parent-teacher interview night will be on Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 4-7 p.m. Interviews will be in the gym. No appointment is necessary. We encourage parents to drop in and meet your child(s)…
We are excited to welcome your student into our WRPS community. We are accepting registrations for NEW students. Please refer to the Student Registration Information link at the side menu.
A University of Alberta Indigenous Program recruiter is coming on February 21 from 10-11 am to speak to our Indigenous Students in high school about their Indigenous program offerings at the U of A.
January 29-February 7 - Carnations are for sale for $2.00. Buy a flower for a friend. They will be handed out on February 14. February 8-9 - Teachers Convention (no school) February 12 - Parent Council…
Please see the attached letter inviting family, friends and community members to drop in for coffee and conversation between 5 and 7 pm on February 13, 2024, at Lakedell Elementary School.
PLRS & P.L.A.C.E Hockey Hooky for BenFriday March 1st, 2024 - Falun, AB Players + Spectators welcome with donations: HIGH GAME @ 10:30JR.…
Assurance Survey Information! Dear Parents and Guardians of Grade 7 and Grade 10 Students: If you have not received a letter from Alberta Education regarding the Alberta Education Assurance Survey, you…
When: Saturday, February 24/24 Where: Ma-Me-O Beach, Pigeon Lake PLRS needs volunteers to fulfill our volunteer requirement for this AMAZING Family Fun event. Click here to volunteer:…
A letter has been sent home with our students, informing parents, guardians, and caregivers that the board has approved three motions to initiate a consultation process regarding school consolidation…
PLRS January 2024 Exam Schedule Date Test Type Time Room Thursday January 11th Social Studies 30-1 (Part A) Diploma 8:45am 19 Social Studies 30-2 (Part A) Diploma 8:45am…
THURSDAY, Dec 14th PLRS music students will present a short program at 6 pm to their parents and grandparents, as well as siblings. A HUGE thank you goes out to Mrs. Roberta Koelmans-Cameron for bringing…
On December 13, PLRS presents "Wanted: One Groom" @ 6:00 pm. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Tickets are on sale in the office.
We want to celebrate Whiskey the Dog on November 16th for bringing joy to PLRS. Remember to give him an extra pet.
Dear Parents, This year at Pigeon Lake Regional School we are excited to announce our annual winter fundraiser. Fundraising is a vital part of ensuring the students have the best year possible. …
PLRS will have a Halloween dance on October 27 from 6-10 p.m. The last day to purchase tickets is October 25, by 3:00 p.m.
PLRS will celebrate our student's academic success with an Awards Ceremony on November 16 @ 1:30 p.m.
PLRS Open House on October 3, 4-6 pm.
There will be a 40-minute presentation on September 25 about Orange Shirt Day.
We have rescheduled the Terry Fox Run to September 27th for Block 4. Fundraising forms have already been handed out to students.
Get ready for an afternoon of fun as PLRS is putting on a Back to School BBQ on September 15!
Take Dual Credit courses in grades 11 and 12 and earn credit for both high school and post-secondary at the same time! The courses are paid for by WRPS! Deadline for fall is Fri., Sept. 15. Please email…
We are looking for a junior Volleyball Coach. If interested, please reach out to Mr. Stewart.
Love Bomb is a theatre production on the topic of Human trafficking. The presentation is taking place on September 13 for Grade 9 - 12 students. There is a community show on September 12 at @8:00 p.m.…
PLRS students have an opportunity on September 6 to explore Know Your Food. Know Your Food is a curriculum-based program that teaches teachers, students and families about the importance of agriculture…
This program will be for grades 7-12 and will take place TUESDAYS at lunch and Thursdays after school from 3:30-4:30. We will be learning basic music skills such as rhythm reading, note reading, instrument…
Starting September 12, PLRS will have a Therapy Dog Named Whiskey. Whiskey will be on site to support academics and wellness. You can click on the link for more information.
Junior Girls Volleyball tryouts on September 6 & 8 from 3:30-5:30 pm.
Jr High Tryouts/Skills session Wed Sept 6, 3:30-7:30 at Black Bull. No cost. You must have your own balls, tees, etc. Bring your clubs to school that day or have your parents drop them off at the course.…
From 1-3 pm on August 29, PLRS will host a grade 7 orientation. It's an opportunity for students to tour the school, get their schedule, find their classrooms and meet their teachers.
We hope you had a wonderful summer. Grade 7 orientation is on August 29 from 1-3 pm. ALL students return on August 30. Check out what you need for supplies here:…
Pigeon Lake Regional School will be open on August 24th and 25th from 9:00 am-3:00 pm for school registration. Come on by!
Grades 7 – 12 4 - 2 Inch Binders (1 for each subject) 2 - pkg. of lined loose-leaf paper 4 - Sets of dividers 1 - Package of Pencils 1 - Set Pencil Crayons 4 - Erasers (white preferred) 1 - Scissors …
Monday June 12th English 30-1 (Part A) Diploma 8:45am 13 English 30-2 (Part A) Diploma 8:45am 16 Wednesday June 14th Last Day of High School Classes Thursday June 15th Social…
PLRS will be celebrating our athletes on June 14th @ 6:00 pm. Please give a huge shout-out to our students and coaches. Tickets are no longer available.
Dual Credit Opportunity for Next Year’s Grades 11 and 12 Students Attention Grade 10 and 11 Students. Are you interested in a Career and Power Engineering? Would you like to be able to take…
PLRS will be participating in National Indigenous Day activities at Buck Mountain Central School on Friday, June 9th. Online permission form access closes at 4:00 pm Thursday, June 8. There will be NO…
Please read the attached May Newsletter
A huge shout out to our grads of 2023. The convocation is @ 5:00 pm on Friday, June 26th. Congratulations Grads!
When: May 31 @ 7:00 pm Where: Falun Elementary School Gym Special Guest: Mike Wake Come and find out more about the future of education in WRPS
A Pigeon Lake Regional School Production: The Bold, The Young & The Murdered by Don Zolidis. A series of murders rock the set of a floundering soap opera in this hilarious comedy. Come out to PLRS on…
PLRS Extra Life fundraising team raised $6533.00 for the Children's Stollery. A huge congratulations to Mr. Bengert and Extra Life Fundraisers!
Are you interested in music? Perhaps Choir or Jazzband? Or learning how to play an instrument? PLRS has partnered with an incredibly generous community member Roberta Cameron who has a teaching degree…
May 3 - Pajama Day (to go with Pancake Breakfast) May 5 - Hats on for Mental Health-everyone wear a hat May 8-12 - Movie Clip Contest-winner gets movie basket with Ciniplex Gift Card May 25 - Twin Day
On May 3, PLRS will be celebrating Bus drivers and students with a free pancake breakfast.
Please join Superintendent, Mr. Wake in an enrollment consultation at 6:00 pm in the PLRS library. Hope to see you there! For more information on school councils, please go to Alberta Education's website:…
Here at PLRS we are encouraging students and staff to get excited about reading. We have a Book Fair that will be taking place on April 24-27 in room 7. Families are welcome to drop in after school as…
Are you going into grade 7 and grade 10 next year? Please come find out more by attending our grade 7 and grade 10 orientations. If you are going into grade 7 we will be doing a tour, answering questions…
Panther Cup is a tradition of Pigeon Lake Regional School that captures a full day of floor hockey fun! The Junior high participants play in a tournament for half a day and the Senior high participants…
March 13 - RCMP are presenting on age of concent, relationships, sexual and family violence. March 14 - CTRL-ALT-DEL The play explores cyberbullying through the eyes of five teens set in the theatrical…
We are excited to welcome your child into our WRPS community. We are accepting registrations for NEW students. More information can be found here.
On March 2, 2023, in support of The Ben Stelter Fund and The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, a one-day fundraising initiative will have children across Alberta get involved in a fun “hockey”…
What is Pink Shirt Day? Bullying is a major problem in our schools, workplaces, homes, and online. Over the month of February, and throughout the year,Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of these issues,…
Students will receive their access codes at school. Parents you will receive your access code by mail. Please use the following link to access the survey. We encourage you to complete the survey as…
The event date will be February 25 with a meet and greet social planned for February 24 at the Lakedell agricultural society (Lakedell hall) If you want to donate or be a sponsor, please reach out to…
On December 15th we will be hosting a Christmas dinner at around 11 am until 1:00pm. We have invited the grade 6s from the elementary schools to attend the dinner with our students and staff. Don't…
As you may know, my Drama students are putting on a production December 16 @ 6:00 pm and 17 @ 1:00 pm. The production is "They Promised Her the Moon," which tells the story of Jerrie Cobb, the first woman…
Academic Awards Ceremony date has been revised to November 17 from 1:30-3:30 pm. All families are welcome to attend to cheer on our award recipients
Picture Day Retakes will be on November 21.
PLRS is hosting an open house on Thursday October 6 from 4-6pm. Come chat with the staff. Check out the displays, bake sale, other items and see a volleyball game. Enter your childs name into a draw to…
Be part of a movement inspired by Terry to raise funds for cancer research. On September 23 during Block 2 and 3, the whole school will be taking part in a Terry Fox Run. There will be an assembly in…
VOLLEBALL: Sr. Boys Volleyball tryouts Wednesday, Aug 31st & Thursday, Sept 1st 3:30-5:30pm Sr. Girls Volleyball tryouts Tuesday, Aug 30th from 3:30-5:30pm and Wednesday, Aug 31st from 5:30-7:30pm and…
Parents and students, please click on the link below to read a letter from our Division Superintendent, Mr. Mike Wake, regarding new protocols relating to school safety for the 2022-23 school year. …
Every year we are always looking for parents to help us out at the school. Breakfast program - we need help running our program in the am. Duties would include: setting up, serving and cleanup from 8:15-8:55…
Pigeon Lake Regional School Supply List Grades 7 – 12 1 - pkg. of lined loose-leaf paper 1 – pkg. plain paper 1 - pkg. graphing paper 4 - 2 Inch Binders 4 - Sets of dividers 10 - Duo-tangs …
Take post-secondary courses in high school – and earn credit for both at the same time! Enrolling in dual credit courses is an excellent opportunity to get ahead in college or university! Dual credit…
On June 21, 2022, students and staff at Pigeon Lake will be celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day with students and staff from Falun Elementary and Buck Mountain Central School. There will be a…
Grade 7s please join us on August 25 from 1-3 pm for an orientation. Learn how to use a combination lock, take a tour and get your schedule.
PLRS Annual Athletic Awards is on June 15, 2022. Tickets are $10 for the dinner that starts @ 6 pm. Ticket sales begin on Wednesday June 1. Please drop by the office or access tickets through PowerSchool…
The final exam schedule for June is available here: June Exam Schedule 2022 Please click below for Junior high exam schedule: Exam Schedule PL 2022 Grade 7 Exam Schedule PL 2022 Grade 8 Exam Schedule…
As you have hopefully heard, our Drama class is putting on the play "The Tin Woman" on May 27th at 6:00 pm and 28th at 2:00 pm. The play follows a woman recovering from a heart transplant while dealing…
Extra Life is a fundraiser for the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation. Our students will be collecting donations in an effort to raise as much as possible for the hospital, and celebrating with a…
The PLRS wakeathon has been POSTPONED. A new date will come out soon. We are up to $1134 raised, which is awesome, but I think we can get more!
Movie Challenge 9-18 May 27 Tie Dye
Check out our Newsletter! April 2022.pdf
We are excited to welcome your child into our WRPS community. We are accepting registrations for NEW students. More information can be found here.
Check out spirit week below
Panther Cup is a tradition of Pigeon Lake Regional School that captures a full day of floor hockey fun! The Junior high participants play in a tournament for half a day and the Senior high participants…
On March 21, 2022 @ 6:30 pm we are inviting all parents and students going into grade 10 starting in September 2022 to a meeting. During the meeting we will review course signup through powerschool, take…
On March 21, 2022 @ 5:30 pm we are inviting all incoming grade 7s and parents to a meeting welcoming students to the school. During the meeting we will review course signup through powerschool, take a…
PLRS is sending out a HUGE thank you to all the volunteers and donations made to West of the 5th Poker Run!
Remember that we have pink shirt day approaching on February 23. We encourage everyone to wear pink. Also a heads up that the anti-bullying team may have some presentations or things to share. We will…
Welcome to the Pigeon Lake Regional Spirit Wear Winter 2021/22 online ordering page. The sale closing date is JANUARY 30, 2022. Please note any late orders will not be accepted to ensure delivery deadlines…
Information contained within this document is subject to change as additional information about COVID-19 becomes available. New directives and restrictions from the province or the Chief Medical Officer…
Our next grad meeting will be on Janury 25th @ 5:00 pm.
Please check out the January exam schedule
Classes resume on Monday January 10, 2022.
Please check out the information on Diploma exams during inclement weather. Inclement weather notice
Pointsettias, Wreaths and other Christmas Greenery will be availble for purchase from PLRS. 3 Easy Ways to Order: 1) Students can receive a paper copy from the office 2) Order directly at…
The PLRS awards cerremony will be held in the gymnasium on November 17, 21 @ 1:00pm. Letters will be sent home to recipients. Unfortunately this event will be closed to the public. We will take photos…
On November 10th we will be hosting a school wide Remembrance Day Ceremony via video in each class. We will honour the men and women who have served, and who continue to serve our country.
There is a student/parent grad meeting on Wednesday Ocotber 27th @ 5:00pm at the school in Room 2.
Interested in what PLRS staff will be working on this year? Collaborative Response is a school framework that values collaborative, action focused responses, data-informed discussions, and timely support…
Please see the link on how to access your child's marks online! How to view your Child's Marks Online PowerSchool Parent/Student Login District code: QMZX
At PLRS this includes: Dual Credit Green Certificate Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) Work Experience and Workplace Practicums For the Fall semester Dual Credit will be through Olds College. …
We hope you had a wonderful summer. School officially started on September 1. We are excited to have the students back and look forward to a wonderful and productive school year. If you haven't already…
WRPS is pleased to announce our adoption of a BYOD - Bring Your Own Device program to our schools. Students are encouraged to bring their own chromebook to school each day. This is an optional program…
Please see the list below for PL school supplies for 2021-2022. Supply List
Good morning parents/guardians, As we wind down from summer, we are gearing up for the start of another school year. To help prepare you, following please find the link for the 2021-2022 School Year…
Don't forget to return all your books. If you are not sure what you have signed out, just come by the office!