Alberta Education Assurance Survey - Deadline Extended to March 28

The deadline for completion of the Alberta Education Assurance Survey has been extended to March 28. Grade 7 and 10 parents, if you would like your voice to be heard, please contact the school for your Random Access Code.
The Alberta Education Assurance Survey is an important survey designed to gather valuable feedback on your and your child's school experiences. Your insights are crucial in helping us continuously improve our education system.
This survey is being distributed to parents of students in Grades 4 and 7 across the province, as well as to all teachers. In some smaller schools, all students in Grade 4 and above will also be participating.
The information gathered from this survey will provide valuable data to help us understand:
- Your perspectives on your child's learning environment.
- Your experiences with communication and engagement with the school.
- Areas where we are succeeding and areas where we can improve.
Your participation is highly encouraged. Your honest feedback will play a vital role in shaping the future of education for your children and all students in our province.
Please let us know if you would like to participate (as a parent of a grade 7 and/or 10 student and have not yet received your Random Access Code. We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and contribute to the ongoing improvement of our schools.
Thank you for your partnership in education.